What a week! India Buildings has scooped an RICS North West regional award for refurbishment/revitalisation category, RICS hosted an on-line awards programme on 18th May.
Quentin Keohane, Director at Falconer Chester Hall commented “We are absolutely delighted to have been announced as the winner of the North West Refurbishment/Revitalisation category, there were some wonderful schemes shortlisted in the category. It has been a pleasure to have been part of the design team that restored India Buildings into a high performing, agile, modern workplace.”
“Retrofitting this 300,000 sq ft ‘Merchants’ Palace’ preserved an iconic building for the city while developing a sustainable and valuable workplace, meeting the exacting standards of HMRC’s Inclusive Design Guide,” added Quentin.
Alex Harrison, project architect said, “this project has been a five-year labour of love, I feel extremely proud to have seen it through to completion. We have managed to bring this building back to life and back into use. And the success of India Buildings is a true triumph of collaboration between all the teams involved.”