Halton Council’s planning committee has unanimously approved an outline planning application to demolish the existing buildings at 33-37 Irwell Lane in Runcorn for redevelopment into apartments.
The scheme, from developer DMG (Irwell) Ltd, will see either 32 or 33 apartments developed, with parking and associated infrastructure. The reduced number will depend on whether the final scheme is designed to target the over-55s, with associated care facilities.
A ‘reserved matters’ application will follow in due course to enable the scheme to evolve in discussion with the council and housing associations so that it fully meets the needs of local people, says DMG spokesman Dan Macintyre:
“It’s important in a local market such as Runcorn that our development fully satisfies local demand and needs. I’m expecting a productive period working with planning officers to finalise the scheme.”
The development’s affordable housing contribution will be agreed by condition. The principles of the section 106 contract, which determines what monies the developer must provide for investment in community infrastructure, have already been agreed. Investment will focus on off-site public open space and the provision of land along the site’s southern boundary to enable a cycle link parallel with the busway to connect Runcorn railway station to the Daresbury and Astmoor employment areas.
The scheme has been designed by our Manchester studio, with SATPLAN acting as planning consultants and Ben Eaton of Abacus Solicitors in Stockton Heath acting for the developer.